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Taking Care of You : Tips for creating margin and time for you.

Keeping It Together: Parenting, Organizing, Meal Planning, etc.

Connection: Having fun with your family, partner, and friends.

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Connection Parenting: The Secret Sauce to Nurturing Your Kiddo’s Heart

What is connection parenting? Let’s dive into the world of connection parenting – the secret code to nurturing your kiddo’s heart. It’s like the parenting equivalent of being a stealthy warrior, but with way more snuggles and a sidekick who never fails to surprise you with their creative messes. So, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage …
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I’m tired of trying

There are entire industries that are dedicated to making moms feel inadequate so that we will buy their cleaning gadget, cooking gadget, or organizational tool hoping that this purchase will make it ALL fall into place.  I’m tired of trying. I’ve had enough. I’m tired of chasing after some idea of perfection that’s only purpose is to point …
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